Where are they now?

ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ÊÓƵ’s College likes to maintain close contact with its Old Collegians and former staff members.

On this page we regularly publish profiles showcasing the success stories of our alumni.

If you’d like to feature on this page please email our Alumni and Foundation Officer at oca@stpats.vic.edu.au with the words “Where are they now?” as the subject of the email.


Click on each name to read the profile

Appi, Dominic (SPC 1980-84, PY1985)

Arnel, Tony (1972)

Aron, Robert (former staff)Ìý

Arundell, Fr Dan (SPC 1945-48)

Balchin, Sean (SPC 1986-90)

Banks, Joel (SPC 2000-05)

Bannister, Jack (SPC 2012-17)

Baric, Jakob (SPC 2008-13)

Barnes, Nathan (SPC 2002-07)

Boadle, Chris (SPC 1997-2002)

Borrack, Anthony (Tony) (SPC 1953-54)

Bourke, Gerard (former staff 1992-2002)

Bourke, Michael (SPC 1950-54)

Brandenburg, Tony (SPC 1969-74)

Brayshaw, Sam (SPC 2000-05)

Buckley, Br Kevin (Principal 1989-91)

Butler, Sam (SPC 2016-21)

Buttigieg, James (SPC 1994-99)

Burke, Chris (SPC 1986-91)

Carr, Ashley (SPC 1989-90)Ìý

Casey AM, Peter (Headmaster 2002-15)

Cochran, Bernie (SPC 1979-84)

Cocking, Bayley (SPC 2013-18)Ìý

Collins, Ash (SPC 2000-05)

Collins, Br Laurie (Headmaster 1992-2001)

Connell, Gavan (SPC 1961-68)

Connell, Peter (SPC 1962-69, PY1970)

Carrucan, Frank (SPC 1960-65)

Cosgriff, John (former staff)

Costigan, Brian (SPC 1952-55)Ìý

Couch, Ben (SPC 2004-09)

Coughlan, James (SPC 1964-72)

Crowe, Steven (SPC 1994-99)

Dallimore, Craig (SPC 1954)Ìý

Dean, James (SPC 1993-98)

De Jong, Matt (SPC 1979-84)

Delahunty, Terry (SPC 1968-71)

Dillon, Brian (SPC 1954-57)

Dixon, Stephen (SPC 1982-85)

Doherty, Brian (SPC 1960-65)

Doyle, Matthew (SPC 1998-2003)

Drought, Tynan (SPC 2012-14)

Duggan, Liam (SPC 2009-14)

Duggan, Sean (SPC 1986-91) Ìý

Dunn, James (SPC 2003-08)

Edwards, Anthony (SPC 1985-90)

Fahey, James (SPC 2007-12)

Fenton, Reg (SPC 1953-56)

Fitzpatrick, Adrian (SPC 1969-73)

Fogarty, John (SPC 1976-81)

Foley, James (SPC 1996-2001)

Foran, Brendan (SPC 1990-91)

Ford, Kain (SPC 2009-10)

Forster, Noel (SPC 1963-68)

Freeman, Leo (SPC 1968-70)

Frost, Xavier (SPC 2006-11)

Gigliotti, Jason (SPC 1984-89)

Gleeson, Brian (SPC 1947-52)

Glenane, Michael (SPC 1967-72)

Gordon, Justin (SPC 2009-10)

Goss, Damian (SPC 1953-62)

Greer, Gavin (SPC 1951-55)

Groch, Andrew (2008-13)

Guthrie, Luke (former staff member 1966-72)

Hand, LeRoy (1993-98)

Harris, Michael (SPC 2001)

Henderson, Chris (SPC 1986-91)

Helon, George (SPC 1980-82)

Hickey, Michael (SPC 2000-02)

Hillman, Daniel (SPC 2011-16)

Houghton, Norman (SPC 1963-65)

Howley, Peter (SPC 1963-66)

Hoy, Thomas (SPC 2008-13, current staff)

Huggett, Paul (SPC 1988-93)

Hurst, Joe (SPC 1980-84, PY1985)

James, Gavin (SPC 1970-75)

Jeffrey, Mons Peter (SPC 1953-55) Ìý

Jubb, Alan (SPC 1954-59)

Kendell, Nick (SPC 1981-82)

Kenna, MickÌý(SPC 1964-70)

Kennedy, Mark (SPC 1992-97)

Kerr, Fr James (SPC 2000-05)Ìý

Kirby, Glenn (SPC 2007-08)

Lamb, Elliott (SPC 2013-18)

Lamb, James (SPC 2000-05)

Lee, Alastair (SPC 1989-90 and 1992-93)

Leonard, Peter (SPC 1981-82)

Lewicki, Aaron (SPC 2005-10)

Locke, Andrew (SPC 1985-88)

Lynch, Des (SPC 1956-60)

Lynch, Br Michael (SPC 1958-60)

Mackey, Peter (SPC 1966-70)

Malone, Martin (SPC 1963-64)

Marshall, Geof (SPC 1966-68)

Martin, Ashleigh (SPC 1988-93)

McCracken, Joe (SPC 2003-05)

McDonald, Colin (SPC 1967-70)

McInerney, Luke (SPC 1992-97)

McIver, John (SPC 1963-64)

McKee, Paul (SPC 1992-97)

McLean, Craig (SPC 1984-89)

McMaster, James (SPC 2006-10)

McMaster, Nicholas (SPC 2008-13)

Meere, Michael (SPC 1960-63, PY1965)

Miller, Paul (SPC 1976-81)Ìý

Milroy, Chris (SPC 2010-15)

Morganti, Kai (SPC 1998-2003)

Monaghan, Fr John (SPC 1967-72)

Moore, Danny (SPC 1983-84)

Morris, Dr Peter (SPC 1949-55 and former staff member)

Muller, Ross (SPC 1953-54)

Murphy, Scott (SPC 2009-14)

Neeson, Ewan (SPC 1941, PY1943)

Nolan, Pat (SPC 2002-07)

Noonan, Aaron (SPC 1994-99)

O’Brien, Ethan (SPC 1999-2004)

O’Brien, John (SPC 1978-79)

O’Connell, Brendan (SPC 1975-80)

Opie, Kevin (SPC 1949-52)

Owens, Lachlan (SPC 2013-18)

Parker, Alex (SPC 2002-07)

Pearce, Anthony (SPC 1988-93)

Pearl, JaslarÌý(SPC 2012-13, PY2017)Ìý

Petrie, Scott (SPC 1994-99)

Phillips, Scott (SPC 1985-90)

Pianta, Shane (SPC 1973-74)ÌýÌý Ìý

Pickering, Matt (SPC 1977)

Pola, Brian (SPC 1967-68)

Porter, Kelvin (SPC 1968-73)

Porter, Nathan (SPC 1992-97)

Prendergast, Julian (SPC 1979-84)

Ranger, Michael (SPC 1995-2000)

Rice, Frank (SPC 1954-64, former staff)Ìý

Ritchie, Marcus (SPC 1988-89)

Robertson, Mitchell (SPC 2007-12)

Rouhan, Jarrod (SPC 1993-98)

Rowe, Sam (SPC 1995-98)

Saunders, Michael (SPC 1977-81)

Sheehan, Noel (SPC 1964-70)

Shortal, Matthew (SPC 1995-2000)

Somers, Tiernan (SPC 2012-17)

Stahl, Brendon (SPC 1960-62)

Tanian, Maurie (SPC 1959-61, PY1962)

Tatireta, Paul (SPC 1963-66)

Teasdale, Matt (SPC 1993-98)

Tierney, Frank (SPC 1962-68)

Thomas, Fr Hugh (SPC 1956)

Tuddenham, Mitchell (SPC 2012-17)Ìý

Vanderkley, Chris (SPC 1975-80)

VanHamond, Mark (SPC 1992-97)

Vaughan, Peter (SPC 1946-48)

Waight, Jim (SPC 1985-90)

Ward, Br Jim (SPC 1945-47, PY1948)

Whitehead, Michael (SPC 1968-1970)Ìý

Willian, Ben (SPC 2010-15)

Winfield, Nathaniel (SPC 2004-09)

Young, Clinton (SPC 2003)