
ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ÊÓƵ’s College seeks to communicate regularly, openly and effectively with all members of the College community. Communication is facilitated via a number of mediums including:

The Crest – The College’s fortnightly newsletter is emailed to all families within the College community on a Friday. Please provide your email address details to the College’s Development Office to Mrs Katie Spurgo to subscribe to The Crest –

Read the latest edition of The Crest here.

The Shamrock –  The College and the Old Collegians Association produce a full colour magazine twice a year to recognise student achievements, highlight College programs and initiatives and to share news from Old Boys around the globe. Editorial and photos can be forwarded to our Publications officer, Mrs Katie Spurgo at

Read the latest edition of The Shamrock here

Social Media – The College has an active social media presence which it uses to provide members of the community with relevant, timely and interesting information about life around the College. We encourage everyone to follow SPC on Facebook and Instagram.

Annual Reports to the Community – Each year ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ÊÓƵ’s College produces an annual report, providing a summary of key moments across the 12 months.

Read copies of our Annual Reports to the Community here.